Poster in Jan 31, 2022 06:28:43

Turkey's Multigrain operates in 30 countries around the world

Turkey's Multigrain operates in 30 countries around the world

[caption id="attachment_4388" align="aligncenter" width="1014"] Mr. ALi Turgay Yetiş, President and CEO, Multigrain, Turkey. Picture: Multigrain[/caption] Multigrain is a 3rd generation family business organization in Turkey. Grain Feed & Milling Magazine (GFMM) recently covered an interview with its President and CEO Mr. ALi Turgay Yetiş. The magnetic part of that interview is Published here. Grain Feed & Milling Magazine (GFMM): Kindly say your name and identity or the designation, Please. Mr. ALi: ALi Turgay Yetiş - Multigrain-President and CEO. GFMM:  Will you say about your educational background & experiences? Mr. ALi: I have studied economy and masters in Finance. GFMM:  How you to get involved yourself with this business? Mr. ALi: it is 3rd generation family business. GFMM:  Will you say something about your business start-up? Mr. ALi: we started milling machinery business at year 2000. up to year 2012 we were run our rice mills in different countries, but later we stopped rice milling business and continued with milling machinery business due to our very large experience. GFMM:  Tell us about the current status or range of your business and company. Mr. ALi: as Multigrain we have manufacturing facilities and we are working more than 30 country. GFMM:  What kind of product do you produce? Mr. ALi: rice milling, seed cleaning, corn production etc. GFMM:  Tell us about the quality of your product. Why buyer will buy it from ten people’s product? Mr. ALi: we are paying big attention to product quality and price, also our main target is service and after sales service and supply of spare parts.

Picture: Multigrain[/caption] GFMM:  Compare your industry/company with respect or the top class to the world market. Mr. ALi: we are very high quality and technology. GFMM:  Tell me if you have any problems or challenges with this business. Mr. ALi: our challenge is to built rice mills whom doesn’t brake the rice and make more money. And we prove this. GFMM:  How did you deal or overcome these problems / challenges? Mr. ALi: with technology and experience. GFMM:  Will you say about your management style? Mr. ALi: Our management style is pretty liberal, everybody can give ideas and it is a a team work. GFMM:  Say on your service categories. Mr. ALi: Top quality, our service is behind out success. GFMM:  Who are your clients? Say something about them. Mr. ALi: we have very big clients in our region, from Qatar ministry, to very big Libyan , Turkish Unkrain, Russian etc customer , our customers are all market leader in their countries. GFMM:  Tell me about your staffs or manpower education and experiences. Mr. ALi: We are a team about 50 employees and 10 engineers and very experienced rice foreman stuff for many years GFMM:  Which is your significant achievement so far? Mr. ALi: we want to develop our markets and sales and have more happy customers. GFMM:  What was the main force or power behind it? Mr. ALi: we have been 3rd generation in the rice business at all stages. Now we are putting it in the market for our customers. GFMM:  Say something about yourself as a human, as a successful industrialist. Mr. ALi: I am always humble and always be correct in front of the customer. GFMM:  What are the essential qualities of a good industrialist? Mr. ALi: good technology, experience, and research and development and innovations.

Mr. ALi Turgay Yetiş, President and CEO, Multigrain, Turkey. Picture: Multigrain[/caption] GFMM:  Do you want to say something to your customers? Mr. ALi: hope them good market year. GFMM:  How is Bangladesh market compared to the developed world in this sector? Mr. ALi: Your market is very big, of course price and cost very is important, but. Quality of the equipment is also very important. I am suggesting them to think this way. GFMM:  Say something about Bangladesh beyond your business. Mr. ALi: it is a big market for us and a brother country, I hope we can develop business and happy customers. GFMM:  Will you say about your future plan? Mr. ALi: we are just watching the market now, details plans we can make little later. GFMM:  Thank you on behalf of ‘Grain Feed & Milling Magazine’.

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