Poster in May 08, 2022 20:23:12

As prices rise, stored oil is coming out on the market

As prices rise, stored oil is coming out on the market

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After the new price came into effect, bottled soybean oil has started selling in different markets and alleys of Dhaka and Chittagong city. But buy this oil before the price rises. The price mentioned in the oil bottle wrapper is also earlier. But it is being sold at a new price, which is Tk 38 more per liter than before. Even so, owning one is still beyond the reach of the average person.

Oil marketing companies have started supplying bottled, open soybean and palm oil at new prices through distributors since last Saturday (May 7, 2022) after Eid. However, the oil did not reach all areas at the retail level. The companies said that it would take a few days for the supply to return to normal.

Soybean oil crisis erupted in the market before Eid due to shortage of supply. In this situation, last Thursday, the government increased the price of bottled soybean oil by Tk 38 per liter to Tk 198. The price of open soybean oil was fixed at Tk 180 per liter and palm oil at Tk 172 per liter. This price is effective from last Saturday.

Last Saturday, 18 shops in Mirpur, Karwan Bazar and West Tejturi Bazar areas of Dhaka were visited and 8 shops did not have oil. The remaining 10 stores have oil. Distributors have supplied oil to 5 of these shops yesterday. Oil is being sold in these shops at a higher price than the fixed price. Although 1 liter of bottled soybean oil is priced at Tk 198, they are selling at Tk 200.

A distributor of Citigroup supplied bottled soybean oil at Karwan Bazaar Last Saturday afternoon. These oils were wrapped on April 20. The distributors have provided these stored oils after the increase in prices became effective. And the shopkeepers sell the oil at Tk 200 per liter. Although the government has fixed the price of open soybean oil at Tk 180 per liter, it is being sold at Tk 210 to Tk 220 in the market.

A distributor of Citigroup supplied arrow soybean oil to grocery stores in Karwan Bazar last Saturday. According to the shopkeepers, the distributor brought a truck carrying soybean oil at noon. They have given a 2 liter carton (9) and a 1 liter (18) carton in each shop of Karwan Bazar. However, a few stores have given a little more. The date of production (packing) written on the bottle is April 20 this year. The expiration date is April 19 next year.

Bottles of soybean oil supplied to three stores were seen. Of these, the price written on the oil bottles supplied by the two stores was removed. The price of a bottle of oil supplied in another store was Tk 160, which was the previous price.

Shopkeepers say buyers are being questioned as the price of the oil bottle supplied by the distributor has been deleted. In addition, the amount of oil that distributors are supplying will not end the crisis quickly. Distributors are not even giving one-fourth of the demand for oil.

Asked why the price tag on the Teer soybean oil bottle was deleted, Citigroup Director (Corporate and Regulatory Affairs) Biswajit Saha said it was not supposed to happen. They are not supplying oil by deleting the price part. Oil is being supplied at the previous price (Tk. 160 per liter). Because the ones that are produced have to be taken out of the godown. Until new oil is supplied, Tk 160 per liter should be kept.

Biswajit Saha said they sent four trucks to Karwan Bazar last Saturday. Oil trucks also went to Mirpur, Mohammadpur Agricultural Market and New Market. Besides, they have tried to deliver oil to different parts of the country quickly.

The same thing has been said by TK Group, which markets oil under the Pusti brand. Md. Shafiul Athar, Director (Finance and Management), TK Group, said, "We have supplied the previously produced oil at the old rates. Oil has not yet been supplied at the new rates. Buyers are likely to call everyone who looks appropriate, if there are only a few.

So far this May, crude edible oil has arrived at Chittagong port in four ships. The four ships contained 36.3 million liters of soybean and palm oil. Almost all of these oils have been discharged and stored at the tank terminal next to the port. From there the companies supply soybean and palm oil to the market through distributors after refining in their own factories.

Edible oil refineries opened last Saturday after Eid. According to top officials at TK, Meghna and Citigroup, which are at the top of the edible oil market, the three companies last Saturday supplied 4.6 million liters of soybean and palm oil to distributors.

Taslim Shahriar, senior assistant general manager, Meghna Group of Industries, said the supply of oil in the retail market would be normal within a day or two.

|Source: Online/SZK

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