Poster in Jan 31, 2022 17:28:40

About DL-Methionine Feed grade

About DL-Methionine Feed grade

[caption id="attachment_1727" align="aligncenter" width="1014"]About DL-Methionine Feed grade Picture: Collected[/caption] GFMM desk: Promois encapsulated DL-Methionine is synthesize from petrochemical raw materials using an environmentally friendly patented proprietary process by the feed additives business of PROMOIS INTERNATIONAL, known as the carbonate process. Particularly for use in monogastrics. DL-Methionine Feed grade ensures the adequate supply of sulfur amino acids,especially of the essential methionine. Because of mrthionine being rst-limiting in typical poultry diets its use has been well established for many years. Additionally,diets for piglets and growing pigs can show a considerable deciency in methionine. Especially when formulated to achieve low nitrogen excretion for ecological reason. Such a deciency can be conveniently compensated for using DL-Methionine Feed Grade. About PROMOIS INTERNATIONAL It is world's leader in encapsulated Animal health products. Founded in 1935 as Russian Colloid Company, Promois International has grown to one of the World’s Largest Integrated Premium Quality and Halal Chemical Source. Promois has wholly owned subsidiaries and joint venture companies that span the globe and employ thousand of people. It has been helping poultry feed millers to improve the effectiveness of feed formulation more than 20 years • It is the leading global supplier of amino acids in several countries which include Lysine, DL Methionine, Threonine, Tryptophan • The Company also Manufactures a Range of Other Halal Poultry Ingredients like Multi Enzymes, Thermo Stable Phytase, Choline Chloride , CTC, Acidifiers and All Types of Vitamins and Its Premixes • The company has recently started the Manufacturing and Marketing of Antibiotics, Vaccines both live Vaccines and Killed vaccines, Copper Sulphate, Potassium Permanganate, Zeolites and Probiotics.• Also other Chemical Activities of Promois Internation includes Chemicals for Personal Care like UV absorbers which include Benzobhenones B3 , B4 , OMC , Avobenzone, Cosmetic Preservatives like MP, PP , Parabens, Imid Urea, DMDM, Antioxidants like BHT and BHA Promois has 5 Manufacturing Units in Different Location. Source: Online/SZK  

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