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The post-baking bin is used to cool the grain after drying and before transferring it to a long-term storage location. The post-drying bin allows for more economical use of the dryer because the drying process is more efficient at high moisture levels than at the end of the drying process.
A post-drying bin or cooler is a temporary storage bin that is placed behind the dryer and can be used for different purposes, such as:
Grain is temporarily stored in the first phase of the project and then moved to the final storage location.
Used as temporary storage for dryers or as a post-drying storage device when the moisture content of the grain requires a drying time.
The post-drying bin can improve the performance and efficiency of drying.
The drying method, a method developed at Purdue University in the late 1960s, alters the high-speed drying process by transferring hot corn to a cooling box, thereby eliminating cooling within the dryer. Allow the hot corn to sit in the oven for at least 4 to 6 hours, then cool slowly. After cooling, transfer the corn to storage.
Source: Online/GFMM
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